Site Title
Climate Reality Events
with Grammy Winner Darlene Koldenhoven
Into Earthkeeping? Ready to get involved? Want to learn more?
The Climate Reality Project, founded by former Vice President Al Gore in 2006, has led to over 17,000 members in 135 countries.
Learn More about The Climate Reality Project here.
Darlene was personally trained by the former Vice President Al Gore in his 3-Day Al Gore 2018 Climate Reality Leadership Training in Los Angeles and is one of his accredited Climate Reality leaders/presenters. Active in the Los Angeles Chapter, she also assists in training others in developing their presentations and becoming better communicators with the tone, strength and health of the voice. More about Darlene here.
The Climate Witness Project for People of Faith is here.
Climate Concert & Presentation
Social Event
You are cordially invited to a special social event honoring our planet with Grammy Winner Darlene Koldenhoven. Through videos, photos, music, and Darlene's story-telling, learn more about our swiftly changing environment, solutions to prevent a global climate crisis and how we can help ourselves and our planet.
Our environmental awareness event begins with Darlene inspiring us with a twenty to thirty minute performance of personal stories and music from her award-winning earth-conscious themed music and videos from her album Color Me Home, winner of 20 various awards, debuted #1 on radio and Best Vocal Album 2017 by Broadcasters worldwide.
(see videos below)
Post concert, Darlene will give a half-hour to 45 minute Climate Reality Presentation with 15 minute Questions & Answers.
See Presentations
We will end with a half hour or more, social gathering where guests can meet new friends, find opportunities to play their part, small or large, and find solutions to help create a thriving environment for all. Participants will receive information and links to guide through the process. Some locations may have vegan lite-snacks or pot-luck.
This promises to be an entertaining, educational, and fun event. Come be part of a community for a greater good.
Presentation Descriptions
Truth in Ten (10 Minute presentation with 10 minutes Q&A)
Climate in 30 (30 minute presentation plus 15 minute Q&A)
All presentations include official photos and video from The Climate Reality Project along with some of Darlene's original photos from her globe spanning career. Some topics are a brief understanding of the science behind the climate crisis; how the climate crisis effects every person, animal, plant on this earth; health concerns, the difference between climate and weather, and much more. Included are positive solutions, employment, and what actions people around the world are taking to help us and our planet to thrive.
All ages, groups, institutions of learning, corporations, churches, social clubs, communities are welcome from 3 to 3,000+!!! Weekend or Weekday. Request a presentation or event from Darlene for your location by filling out the form below.
There is no charge for the presentations; however, travel and lodging assistance are necessary for beyond the Los Angeles area.
Projector and Screen are required for Mac laptop and a Small sound system. If none of this equipment is available, contact Darlene.
Everyday is Earth Day!
Ode to Our Orb from Color Me Home
Until from Color Me Home
Our Team at the Training in Los Angeles
About the Climate Reality Leadership Corps
Al Gore & 2500 Los Angeles Trainees
Darlene at Los Angeles Leadership Training